Here’s a script I wrote for Illustrator to give the option to gently randomise the letters inside a text box to give it a slightly more organic aesthetic.
I wrote about it on my newsletter, which you can read here.
If you are going to use this, remember to back your work up first and maybe give it a try on a couple of test documents before getting deep into a prestige project.
To use this script, save it as a .js file, and then put that in your /illustrator/Presets/Scripts folder. It should then appear under file-scripts. Select a text box first, then run it and play around with it to get the desired effect.
#target illustrator
function main() {
if (app.documents.length == 0) {
alert('Open a document and select a text frame to proceed');
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var selection = doc.selection;
if (selection.length == 0 || !(selection[0] instanceof TextFrame)) {
alert('Please select one or more text frames and try again');
// Create a dialog box for input
var dialog = new Window('dialog', 'Randomize Text');
// Add sliders for rotation, displacement, size, spacing and colour.
var angleSlider = addSlider(dialog, 'Max Rotation Angle:', 0, 3, 3);
var displacementSlider = addSlider(dialog, 'Max Displacement:', 0, 2, 0.1);
var sizeSlider = addSlider(dialog, 'Max Size Variation:', 0, 3, 0.2);
var spaceSlider = addSlider(dialog, 'Max Spacing Variation:', 0, 2, 0.1);
var colorSlider = addSlider(dialog, 'Max Color Variation:', 0, 1, 0);
// Add 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons
var buttonGroup = dialog.add('group');
buttonGroup.alignment = 'right';
buttonGroup.add('button', undefined, 'OK', { name: 'ok' });
buttonGroup.add('button', undefined, 'Cancel', { name: 'cancel' });
if ( === 1) { // If user clicked 'OK'
var maxAngle = angleSlider.value;
var maxDisplacement = displacementSlider.value;
var maxSizeVariation = sizeSlider.value;
var maxSpaceVariation = spaceSlider.value;
var maxColorVariation = colorSlider.value;
// Apply effect to each selected text frame
for (var k = 0; k < selection.length; k++) {
if (!(selection[k] instanceof TextFrame)) {
continue; // Skip if the selected item is not a text frame
var textFrame = selection[k]; // Get the selected text frame
// Duplicate and hide the original text frame
var originalTextFrame = textFrame;
originalTextFrame.visible = false;
textFrame = originalTextFrame.duplicate();
textFrame.selected = true;
// Convert text to outlines
textFrame = textFrame.createOutline(); // textFrame is now a group item
for (var i = 0; i < textFrame.pageItems.length; i++) {
var character = textFrame.pageItems[i]; // current character
var angle = Math.random() * maxAngle - maxAngle / 2; // random angle between -maxAngle/2 and maxAngle/2
var dx = (Math.random() - 0.5) * maxDisplacement; // random displacement along x
var dy = (Math.random() - 0.5) * maxDisplacement; // random displacement along y
var size = 1 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * maxSizeVariation / 100); // size variation
var space = (Math.random() - 0.5) * maxSpaceVariation; // spacing variation
var grayVariation = (1 - maxColorVariation) * 100 + Math.random() * maxColorVariation * 100; // gray color variation
character.resize(size * 100, size * 100, true, true, true, true, size * 100, Transformation.DOCUMENTORIGIN);
character.translate(dx + space, dy);
var grayColor = new GrayColor();
grayColor.gray = grayVariation; // Now properly scaled from 0 to 100
// Apply gray color to all pathItems of the character
for (var j = 0; j < character.pathItems.length; j++) {
var path = character.pathItems[j];
path.fillColor = grayColor;
function addSlider(parent, text, min, max, value) {
var group = parent.add('group');
group.add('statictext', undefined, text);
var slider = group.add('slider', undefined, value, min, max);
slider.size = [200, 20]; // Size of the slider
var edittext = group.add('edittext', undefined, value);
edittext.characters = 5; // Width of the edittext box
edittext.justify = 'right';
// Update the slider when the user types a value
edittext.onChanging = function () {
slider.value = parseFloat(edittext.text);
// Update the value when the user moves the slider
slider.onChanging = function () {
edittext.text = Number(slider.value).toFixed(2); // Here we've changed to allow decimal values
return slider;