
I create custom typefaces for cartoonists that imitate their own lettering. Get in touch if you’d like to talk about getting a custom typeface. 

Below are some examples of fonts I’ve produced.


The short answer is ‘I don’t know, what do you need?’

I usually design typefaces based on your requirements and the complexity of your lettering. Each new feature; ligatures, contextual alternates, special characters etc that will require extra work indicates that there is going to be a bump in the cost. 

It is also worth noting that italic and bold weights are usually entire new typefaces, not a button that gets pressed during production, so adding bold or italic weights can multiply the cost.

I use the Glyphs app for font production.

I’ll get the artist to letter a type sampler that I will then use in the process of digitising and building the font. Once all the base forms are done, any special features need to be coded, and the long and arduous task of kerning begins. Kerning is the stage where each pair of letterforms is carefully spaced so your typeface doesn’t look like spilled alphabetti spaghetti.

Depends on how complex the job is and whether you are willing to pay a ‘drop everything else’ premium so I prioritise production of your typeface.

Because fonts are classified under copyright law as software, ownership of the software remains the property of the creator (me). 

When I’m writing the licence agreement though, I grant all reproduction rights to the artist and agree not to re-sell the fonts to anyone else. The artist has the ability to grant usage to publishers for example. 

Uhh, do they know about this? If I have their permission and understand the circumstances, then maybe yes, but I generally like to work directly with the person whose lettering I’m emulating with the typeface. 

Sure, you can get free typefaces online. If that’s something that suits your work then cool, go for it. 

Typeface production represents hours and days of work, and demand high attention to detail and prior experience to make a functional, good typeface. 

A good typeface can save you hours in the lettering process, and can help alleviate the physical stresses of hand-lettering without sacrificing aesthetic quality.

I’ve been making typefaces since 2009. I have taught type design and lettering for many years and have produced custom typefaces for each of my own graphic novels. 

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